• February 15, 2025

Dog Health Concerns – What Causes Them and How Can You Prevent Them?

Pet health specialists say that puppies, if not cared for correctly, could be exposed to a broad selection of pet health concerns – from bacterial and viral infections to cancer, heart problems, and kidney problems.

Dog health is most important if you’re a pet owner and keeping the health of your dog without pumping medications that might have damaging side effects into him is equally important. In the way that prescription medications can have side effects, dog drugs can. Over time these may cause a problem. Perhaps it’s time to begin looking for natural dog products and drugs that offer the benefits of their mainstream counterparts, with no side effects that come along together.

For example, many canines have allergies and in many cases, these allergies are treated with steroids. Over time, however, steroids can lead to liver and kidney damage which can shorten your pet’s life span. You are aware that your dog’s health is essential, so you want to relieve the allergies, but you’re wary of giving your pet medications which can harm them. It might be time for you to find natural dog products which will treat the allergies without damaging your dog’s health.

There are natural dog products and medications that can help alleviate arthritis and joint pain, itching, fleas, and even diabetes. These products not only help your dog’s health, but they’re natural and secure to all canines, whether they are very big or very tiny.

The matter is that a lot of people don’t understand where they can go to discover a source which will have the ability to provide remedies because of their pet’s health and supply trustworthy natural pet products, so they keep going back to the same old medications their vet recommends. Many vets don’t recommend natural products, because similar to physicians for individuals, they gain from the number of prescription medications their patients desire. Meaning that what might be right for your pet is not being offered as an alternative to you.

Why is pet dogs vulnerable to these health problems? Is there a way to treat and prevent such problems naturally? What is the right way? We will take a look at the answers to these questions relating to this article.

Why is pet dogs vulnerable to such health problems?

There are 3 chief causes – poor diet, toxin buildup, and too little exercise.

Poor Diet

A dog needs approximately 40 food components to maintain proper nutrition. Contrary to a human that eats many different foods, dogs mostly only eat 1 food, so whatever you buy needs to take care of all of your dog’s needs.

The very first decision is to buy commercial food or to go with a homemade diet. Each has its pros and cons. A commercial diet plan is suitable and is balanced to a healthy dog. Buy pet food that is AAFCO certified, an element that is not an issue for brands. There are two levels of AAFCO certification, with one better than the other. Start looking for the specific language which says analyzed and proven to be adequate” vs. a lower standard that says”formulated to meet AAFCO standards. Even lower-priced foods that meet this level of certificate are fine, like those you’d find at a large discount chain.

The other way to go is using a homemade diet. The benefit is that you can control the quality of the food and understand exactly what your dog is becoming Just like the diet, home-prepared foods may remove any additives which are unnecessary to your dog. The point previously, it’s important to have this diet professional so that nutrients aren’t left out formulated. These diets often require a vitamin supplement and possibly a natural homeopathic remedy for more nutritional support.

In addition to water, food is also essential, since it leads to urination, natures way of keeping the urinary tract apparent of germs and minerals, factors that could result in dog bladder stone formation if left unchecked.

Dental Care

Oral care is also essential for both dog and human health. A dog’s teeth are subject to the same pressures as your teeth. For this reason, dog’s teeth should be brushed daily to remove bacteria and other items that could result in plaque buildup and bacteria. If these issues develop, they could lead to gingivitis, and tooth/bone erosion.

Ear Cleaning

A dogs ear is extremely delicate and especially in longer or floppy ear breeds, there are regions of the inner ear which may develop bacterial infections. Owners should pay attention to the ear. Some mineral oil on a cotton swab may be an efficient means.

The inner and middle ear should only be washed by a veterinary practitioner at Animal Emergency Center. The ear for absolutely any problems and buildup if you get your pet groomed possess your groomer or vet assess. If you don’t know what you do you shouldn’t insert anything.

Lack of Exercise

Physical exercise is extremely important to the pet’s health. Pet health specialists say that a dog that gets regular physical exercises also stays active is likely to develop health problems. It can be certainly said that a lack of physical exercise is an important aspect which causes dog health issues.

As well as physical exercise, psychological exercise is also important to keep in mind active and participate. A toy, that uses a treat is a good alternative.

Bringing It All Together

Now that we understand the factors which cause health problems in dogs, there is only 1 question that remains unanswered – what could be done to prevent these health issues? It’s time to have a look.

  • Feed your pet high-quality AAFCO approved dog food or a professionally designed homemade diet.
  • Give your puppy lots of clean, filtered water to drink.
  • ensure you take your dog outside for a walk regularly. Play it if you find some time. Make sure it stays physically active.
  • Start giving your pet a normal dose of natural health supplements. Search for supplements that contain herbs such as Indian ginseng, mistletoe, milk thistle, and Huang Qi. These herbs can cleanse your dog’s system, increase its metabolic rate, and strengthen its immune system.

These variables – food, water, exercise, dental care, ear care, and natural health supplements – play a significant role in your dog’s health. So, if you want to prevent dog health issues, you need to follow the tips provided above. These small changes, like switching from pet food to organic kibble, can make a massive difference to your pet’s health in the long run. Thus, follow these tips and keep your pet healthy and happy.