• February 15, 2025

What Choices For Dental Fillings Are There?

Odds are you will need to have the tooth material when you have tooth decay. This involves the dentist substituting the cavity with a filler material and drilling out the area with a drill. The choice of filler material is gold a usually alloy or composite resin. Here’s a break-down of the filler materials, to help you select which filler substance to pick.

Silver alloy

Silver metal, otherwise known as”amalgam”, has been utilized as a tooth filler for centuries. The metal is made from a blend of mercury and silver, followed by small quantities of nickel, tin, and copper. Silver medal for a filler’s benefit is its durability. Silver alloy can endure for decades. It’s also the least expensive material to use to fill cavities. However, the silver metal isn’t visually appealing. Amalgam fillings can discolor the tooth color, developing a hue. If an attractive smile is your target, the silver alloy is not such a good choice.


As a filler material, gold can last anywhere from 15 to 30 decades. It’s also pleasing to the eye than metal. Of course, the downside is that the cost factor, as gold can be up to ten times the price of a silver metal filling. Gold is a great choice for durability, and also as being a metal filler that is visually pleasing. It is still noticeable. Perhaps not the ideal option if you wish to have a less noticeable filler material on your teeth. Southern Shore Dental

Composite resin

Composite resin provides the most natural looking tooth filler substance since it’s color mixed to match the natural color of teeth. Composite resin is significantly more expensive than silver metal, less costly than gold, although costing approximately 2 times greater than silver metal. In terms of durability, composite resin filler lasts longer or about 12 years. Composite resin is the filler material today, used for cavities and is your best choice for an attractive smile.

Whatever material you decide upon, the key to a great outcome is via a skilled dentist. Make sure your dentist is experienced and qualified. A good dentist will discuss with you exactly what your filler choices are, and what the eventual cost will be. The price will normally include a check-up appointment to check your meeting isn’t giving you any issues. Physicians may also offer various other treatments. If having a more attractive smile is a concern to you, discuss what your options are with your dentist, and consider over his or her suggestions. Often something as straightforward as teeth whitening may dramatically improve your smile, and give you a boost of confidence. Your dentist might indicate veneers an option if your teeth are uneven or in poor shape. Or in case you have any teeth, implants may be suggested by your dentist.

In the end, the basis of a great grin is great oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice per day and be sure that you use toothpaste. Reduce the number of snacks and drinks you eat and also cut on stain-inducing drinks such as wine and coffee. Lastly, make sure you schedule regular check-ups with your dentist.

One Appointment Procedures

Referred to as a Direct Dental Restorative, a filling is used to substitute decayed tooth and can be finished in a single trip and are the focus of the article. We will provide information on Indirect Dental Restorations in the next article. dental implant procedure

Possibilities available are dental amalgam, glass ionomers, resin ionomers, and resin composite fillings. Discuss these choices with your family dentist before making a decision. Recommendations can be made carrying use and the structure of the specific tooth into consideration.

Amalgam Fillings:

There are far more options available today which could possibly be an excellent development as there is quite a bit of controversy concerning amalgam fillings these days. The FDA has deemed the total amount of mercury used in amalgam fillings safe at the exact same time but for patients over age six have re-classified the filling as a Class II medical device. This puts the fillings in a”moderate risk” phase and opens the doorway for tighter safety controls and further research.

Amalgam fillings are used in about one-third of dental restorative procedures. It’s been used for more than a century because of this application. The main reason it is still so widely used is because of affordability and its durability. The combination of silver, elemental mercury, tin copper and possibly other elements are the ingredients in those fillings. It is thought that the combination of the metals stabilizes and leave the mercury safe. So are often utilized in molars where stress is best fillings can withstand very high loads.

Usually, this material is well ventilated unless there’s an allergic reaction by the patient, which can be uncommon. There can be if this condition persists your dentist ought to be informed and a few short term sensitivity to cold and heat with a filling. Disadvantages to amalgam fillings are they are not natural looking when compared with other restorative materials and that the dentist may have to eliminate tooth structure to accommodate an amalgam filling compared with other types of fillings.


Resin and glass ionomers are used where the chewing load will not compromise the structure of the restorative or the tooth. Often used by which an amalgam filling could be unsightly and unnecessary they are tooth-colored materials. Made of glass powders and either acids or in the case of resin ionomers acids glass and acrylic


The application for ionomers is very often between teeth on the origins of teeth. The benefits are that tooth structure has to be removed as opposed to an amalgam restorative. Glass ionomers can discharge a small amount of fluoride for individuals who are at risk for decay.

Ionomers can also be used as fillings in primary teeth in children if in a strange circumstance a recovery is needed.

The disadvantages for using ionomers are that they’re really just for small areas rather than for use in areas subject to significant chewing pressure because they have a lower resistance to fracture.